Black Hole • Passive, Combat
Chance to instantly remove an enemy from combat when performing a direct attack.
Chance to instantly remove an enemy from combat when performing a direct attack.

Called Shot • Passive, Combat
Chance of perfect roll with bows.
Chance of perfect roll with bows.

Counter Attack • Passive, Overworld, Equip
Chance to negate an enemy ambush.
Chance to negate an enemy ambush.

Discipline • Passive, Combat
Grants focus to party members on critical hit or death blow.
Grants focus to party members on critical hit or death blow.

Distraction • Passive, Combat, Equip
Chance of disrupting a successful attack roll against other party members.
Chance of disrupting a successful attack roll against other party members.

Encourage • Passive, Combat, Equip
Chance to turn a party member's failed slot roll into a success.
Chance to turn a party member's failed slot roll into a success.

Energy Boost • Passive, Overworld, Equip
Chance to gain additional action point at end of turn.
Chance to gain additional action point at end of turn.

Entertain • Passive, Overworld, Equip
Gain gold when ending turn within 1 hex of towns and carnivals and night markets.
Gain gold when ending turn within 1 hex of towns and carnivals and night markets.

Find Treasure • Passive, Overworld, Equip
High chance to find overworld treasure once per day.
High chance to find overworld treasure once per day.

Gather Herbs • Passive, Overworld, Equip
Chance to gain a random herb at the end of turn while in the wilderness.
Chance to gain a random herb at the end of turn while in the wilderness.

Glory • Passive, Combat
Chance to temporarily increase attack damage at the beginning of combat.
Chance to temporarily increase attack damage at the beginning of combat.

Inspire • Passive, Overworld, Equip
Chance to grant a small XP boost to party members within 2 hexes.
Chance to grant a small XP boost to party members within 2 hexes.

Justice • Passive, Combat
Chance of adding splash damage to perfect strike with two-handed weapons.
Chance of adding splash damage to perfect strike with two-handed weapons.

Mimic Whisper • Passive, Combat
Transforms mimics into regular chests when opening.
Transforms mimics into regular chests when opening.

Refocus • Passive, Overworld, Equip
Chance to reclaim a focus point at end of turn.
Chance to reclaim a focus point at end of turn.

Steady • Passive, Combat, Equip
Chance to completely negate damage from attack when shield is equipped.
Chance to completely negate damage from attack when shield is equipped.

Support Range • Passive, Overworld, Equip
Join combat from an additional hex away.
Join combat from an additional hex away.