Weapons present a variety of damage types necessary to defeat the many enemies in For The King. They come in many different forms and designs, each one attuned to a different Character Stat. Characters with a high proficiency in a specific stat will fair better in battle with weapons attuned to that particular stat. For example, Hunters are more adept at using weapons such as Bows, as they have a natural base proficiency in Awareness (and most bows are attuned to the Awareness stat).
There are no stipulations on which weapons each character can use. This effectively allows players to equip their characters with whichever weapon they so please, although giving the Scholar a weapon such as a Mace might be considered a dubious decision.
Weapon Types
There are many different kinds of Weapons to be found throughout the land of Fahrul; some useful for their damage, some for their abilities, and others because they fetch a high price at the markets. You may even find yourself carrying extra weapons with you for certain situations, or even out of sentimentality. Whatever your reasons, choosing the right weapon for your character is vital to your party's success.
Arcane Weapons
Mainly spellbooks and tomes, but there are also other types.
Heavy two-handed weapons, but there are a few one-handed axes to choose from as well.
A multitude of swords, daggers, and knives.
Blunt Weapons
Heavy weapons, including everything from bones to hammers to an actual anchor.
Ranged two-handed weapons with a myriad of special abilities.
Dual-Wielded Weapons
Speedy two-handed weapons capable of stunning or dazing enemies.
Fist Weapons
Disarmed characters can always use their fists.
Firearms, ranging from simple handguns to massive cannons.
Musical Instruments
Musical instruments suitable for any aspiring bard.
A variety of physical damage weapons, useful for both offense and defense.
- HuntingSpear.png
Hunting Spear
Two-handed magical weapons, although there are some other physically-attuned staves as well.
Not exactly weapons in their own right, they can still set an enemy on fire.
Long-range weapons capable of special magical attacks.
Weapon Attributes
Weapons in For the King can have different attributes:
Characters with a Two-Handed weapon equipped will be unable to use a Shield or other weapons requiring the use of both hands, such as Bows or various Blades and Polearms. Dual-Wielded weapons are always Two-Handed; however Dual-Wield is technically a weapon type, and not an attribute per se.
A Breakable weapon will break in battle if a character fails all stat checks during a single attack. When an equipped item breaks, that character will automatically switch to Unarmed combat, and will only be able to use their fists until a new weapon is equipped.
Characters using Unfocusable weapons may not use Focus during an attack to secure perfect ability checks. In effect, all attacks made with an Unfocusable weapon will be naturally rolled.
Weapon Proficiencies
While any weapon can essentially be equipped and used by any character, adventurers must rely on their stats to determine how proficient they can be with a specific weapon type.
Axes, Blunt Weapons (hammers, clubs, and so on), Blades, many different Bows and Guns for ranged attacks, Two-Handed or Dual-Wielded Weapons...and even Torches!
Various small Blades, exclusively. Your bare Fists are always available in a pinch, too.
An assortment of magically-imbued items, such as Staves, Tomes, Blades, and Wands.
Bows and Guns for reliable high damage, a variety of one and Two-Handed Polearms, and some small Blades.
Musical Instruments, most notably a variety of Lutes and Dual-Wielded rattles, smaller Guns, and even some Blades.
Small Blades, Bows, and a handful of Dual-Wields.
There exists a legendary Artifact weapon, rumored to be the only weapon to rely on a character's Luck stat.