Focus represents a currency of mental acuity which each character has in varying amounts. Players may use focus points to gain additional interactions throughout the land of Fahrul. Focus can be spent anytime the player is presented with an option to make a skill roll to ensure the success of a single slot. Multiple focus points may be spent on an action for increased odds of success, and learning to balance the use of focus will often mean the difference between life and death.
Most characters begin an adventure with a total of 3 or 4 maximum focus points, depending on the difficulty level. This number can be further increased through a variety of means during an adventure (see below).
Maximum focus
Maximum focus points are limited to 9. A character cannot gain more than 9 focus from equipment or other sources. However, items can be swapped between characters prior to using town meditation services or other focus restoring options, thus boosting the restored focus and instantly converting it into movement points (which are also limited to 9). Increasing maximum focus will not refill any focus points that a character has already lost during an adventure.
Using focus
Focus is spent primarily during combat. Focusing an attack in combat will also give the player a boost to accuracy as an added bonus. The player may also choose to spend focus on fleeing or defending, depending on how the current battle may be going. Occasionally a stat check is unfocusable (such as with the Glass Rod), while Luck rolls can never be focused at all. During the movement phase focus points can be exchanged directly for additional action points, which can in turn allow for more travel options.
As a result of its many uses, players can often find themselves in short supply of focus while adventuring; luckily there are plenty of ways to replenish a character's focus points. The most common methods are by using consumables like Golden Root or a Tinder Pouch, having the Refocus or Discipline skills, or by availing oneself of the services in any nearby town.
Ways to spend focus points
To get additional movement points when traveling the overworld.
The local inn will restore a small amount of both health and focus to a character but also end their turn.
Meditating will fully recover focus points without ending the turn.
The Dark Carnival occasionally has an option to fully restore the entire party's health and focus.
Hero statues and Sanctums may grant partial or full focus point recovery depending on their effect.
The Refocus and Discipline skills, which give characters a chance to regain focus points at the end of their turn.
A wide variety of consumables; specifically Golden Root.
Some weapons such as the Ukulele and the Great Water Tome have the Party Calm ability, which can restore focus to all party members during battle.
Leveling up will always grant a character a partial or full recovery of focus points, depending on difficulty level and their maximum focus.
A note on accuracy
Filling a roll slot with focus not only guarantees that roll to be successful (or "perfect"), but also increases the odds that any subsequent rolls will be successful (increases roll accuracy). Both of these factors increase the odds of an action rolling perfectly. Filling all roll slots using focus guarantees that an attack or ability will succeed and trigger any effects that occur on perfection (barring the target evading it).
Slots Filled With Focus
Accuracy Bonus to Subsequent Rolls
Unfocusable weapons
Characters using Unfocusableweapons cannot use focus during an attack to secure perfect attacks. In effect, all stat checks from attacks with an unfocusable weapon will be naturally rolled.