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Silk ArmorCloth ArmorHide ArmorPlate Armor

Helpful defensive items that can be equipped in a character's body slot.


Main article: Armor

Although clothing can be used to cosmetically change your character's appearance, it is also an adventurer's main source of body armor, and is used to boost stats while serving as a primary defense against incoming attacks. Clothing is equipped in a character's body slot.

While clothing is generally tailored for a specific archetype or build, there is no restriction on which individual armor types characters can equip.

Clothing Types

There are 4 different basic types of body armor in For The King:

Silk Armor

The Silk Armor icon.

Robes are the favorite of the Scholar and the Herbalist, but rogues such as the Trapper may prefer cloaks. Both generally have a high resistance to magical attacks and very little armor. They often provide a strong buff to Intelligence, Awareness, and Focus, but often at the expense of a character's Strength or Talent stats.

Some examples of silk armor are:

Cloth Armor

The Cloth Armor icon.

Cloth Armor is the standard for Minstrels and Buskers, as it focuses on boosting stats such as Talent and Luck. Cloth armor usually has high resistance and armor bonuses, but will take away from a character's Awareness stat. Oftentimes, it will come with a modifier to gold gains, boosting income after a battle.

Some notable examples of cloth armor are:

Hide Armor

The Hide Armor icon.

While most basic pieces of hide armor will only provide a boost to armor and resistance, they'll sometimes offer up a variety of other bonuses. Most characters will wear some form of hide armor at one point in time or another during a campaign, as even standard Leather Armor, Soldier Armor, or Dragonhide Armor can be preferable if nothing else is available. However, as specialized hide armor often comes with a strong focus on Awareness, it is preferred by Hunters, while Trappers and Treasure Hunters will find it useful for navigating Traps in Dungeons.

Typical hide armor variants include:

Plate Armor

The Plate Armor icon.

The strongest armor type in the game and often providing a nice bonus to Strength, plate armor is especially useful to Blacksmiths, Woodcutters, and the occasional Monk. With low resistance, plate armor is generally weak when it comes to magic attacks; however, it more than makes up for it with a huge boost to a character's armor stat, while sacrificing only a few points in Intelligence.

Some proper examples of plate armor are: