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Vitality is a character stat in the game For The King.


Vitality represents your endurance and health. It drives a character's base HP value and is useful for encounters that test one's stamina.

Calculating health points

All characters start with 25hp as their base health, +10% of their Vitality rounded down. This is their "Starting HP". For example, a Busker with 68 Vitality would start the game with 25 + 6.8 = 31.8 health, rounded down to 31hp.

Health formula

To calculate a character's base HP per level, use the following formula:


The end result is then rounded down. Therefore, to find the Busker's base HP at level 3, the formula is HP = 31 + 3 + ((.10 x 3) x 68), rounded down. Thusly, the Busker's base health at level 3 would be 34 + (.3 x 68) = 54.4hp, rounded down to 54hp.

Character proficiencies

StatIcon-Vitality.pngVitality Table
Character CrownApprentice.png Apprentice CrownJourneyman.png Journeyman CrownMaster.png Master
CharIcon-Astronomer.png Astronomer 79 74 74
CharIcon-Blacksmith.png Blacksmith 85 80 80
CharIcon-Busker.png Busker 73 68 68
CharIcon-Gladiator.png Gladiator 57 52 52
CharIcon-Herbalist.png Herbalist 57 52 52
CharIcon-Hobo.png Hobo 75 70 70
CharIcon-Hunter.png Hunter 71 66 66
CharIcon-Minstrel.png Minstrel 55 50 50
CharIcon-Monk.png Monk 67 62 62
CharIcon-Scholar.png Scholar 65 60 60
CharIcon-Trapper.png Trapper 65 60 60
CharIcon-TreasureHunter.png Treasure Hunter 61 56 56
CharIcon-Woodcutter.png Woodcutter 79 74 74

Weapon proficiencies

Rusty Knife
Sturdy Dagger
Sturdy Knife

Ways to increase Vitality


Source Bonus
Greater Sanctum of Life +5
Trainer +2



Blades Bonus
Vardemoder +7


Body Armor Bonus
Fur Armor +5
Headgear Bonus
Bandit Helm +3
Cap of a Lost Soul +5
Hangman's Hood +10
Footwear Bonus
Fur Boots +4
Hide Boots +2


Necklaces Bonus
Dazzling Locket +4
Tarnished Locket +3
