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Steady is a character skill in the game For The King.


Chance to completely negate damage from attack when shield is equipped.


Steady (or Steadfast) is a passive skill that will occasionally cause a character using a shield to completely block all incoming damage during combat.

Damage Reflection will maintain its regular effect on a blocked attack using Steady.


A character must be in combat and have a shield equipped to proc Steady. Additionally, being entangled or stunned will prevent the skill from triggering.

Chance to trigger

Provided the conditions are favourable, two random behind-the-scenes rolls are performed to proc Steady on an attack.

The first check is based on a character's StatIcon-Evasion.pngevasion stat:

Therefore with 15 evasion, the first chance of Steady triggering is 15%.

The second roll is based on the amount of health a character may potentially lose in a single attack*:

* With a minimum chance of 7% and a maximum chance of 22%.

In practice, the prospect for Steady to trigger increases with the amount of health a character could potentially lose from a single attack.

Ways to acquire Steady


Steady is a core skill of the Blacksmith.


Item Name Item Type
Iron Tower Shield Shield
Wooden Tower Shield Shield
