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Justice is a character skill in the game For The King.


Chance of adding splash damage to perfect strike with two-handed weapons.


See also: Splash

Justice is a passive combat skill that can activate after a perfect attack with a two-handed melee weapon, adding splash damage to the strike. Consequently, any enemies immediately adjacent to the intended target will also be dealt an amount of damage equal to half the amount of damage dealt to the primary target.

If the original attack is augmented in any way (such as by having Brilliant Gemstones equipped and targeting a spirit), that extra damage will also carry over to any enemies caught by the splash, regardless of their creature type.


In order for Justice to trigger, a character must be using a two-handed weapon that can perform a basic single target melee attack. At least one other enemy combatant must be alive and to the immediate left or right of the enemy being targeted by the attack.

As a two-handed melee attack is required, the choice of weaponry that will trigger Justice is limited to the following types: axes, blades, dual wields, blunt weapons, and some polearms and staves.

Justice will not trigger on a critical hit.

Chance to trigger

The chance of Justice activating during a character's attack is 15%. An additional bonus 3% is added for every StatIcon-Focus.pngfocus point spent to make the attack. For example, if 4 focus points are used, the probability of Justice triggering is 27%.

Ways to acquire Justice


Justice is a core skill of the Woodcutter.
