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Skills are special character abilities in the game For The King.


Most characters begin their journey with a select combination of the various skills currently included in the game. Certain skills may also be acquired by finding and equipping specific items. These special abilities are unique from most other equipped abilities, and can be an integral part of any party's strategy.

A handful of basic skills are available to all characters. These include but are not limited to: Ambush, Door Bash, Flee, Sneak, Trap Disarm, and Trap Evasion.

Using Skills

Skills are activated similarly to abilities in For The King, but can be loosely categorized into one of two trigger types:

Passive skills

Passive skills are abilities that do not require any specific action from the player and will trigger of their own accord, depending on their effects. This includes skills such as Encourage, which will occasionally invert failed rolls during combat, and Gather Herbs, which can randomly yield a free herb when moving about the Overworld.

Active skills

Active or activated skills are abilities that, as the name suggests, require a decision or input from the player to activate. These types of skills generally reduce the number of stat checks required to perform an important action, such as with Elite Door Bash and Elite Sneak. Still others stand as combat skills and are used throughout the course of a battle, as with Elite Flee or Party Heal.

List of Skills

See here for skills in For The King.

See here for skills in For The King II.
