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An Herb is a type of consumable that grants certain unique effects when used. Herbs may be used freely on a turn outside of combat; however, characters are limited to one per turn during battle. Herbs can be purchased from towns and merchants, obtained as a random loot drop, or found with the Gather Herbs skill.

The bonuses that some herbs provide are dependent on the level of the pipe that an adventurer has equipped.

List of Herbs

Icon Name Description Pipe Level 0 Pipe Level 1 Pipe Level 2 Pipe Level 3
HerbClover.png Coward's Clover Consume this clover to immediately flee any combat, but skip your next turn. Flee combat, skip next turn. No Change No change No change
HerbAction.png Dancing Nettle Use this herb while traveling to gain additional movement points. Use it in combat to increase Speed. Out of combat: +2 Movement

In Combat: + Speed

Out of combat: +3 Movement

In Combat: + Speed

Out of combat: +4 Movement

In Combat: + Speed

Out of combat: +5 Movement

In Combat: + Speed

HerbFireSilk.png Firesilk Using this herb restores the user to perfect health. Heal to Maximum HP

Cure any Ailments

Remove any Cursed effect

No change No change No change
HerbDeadLotus.png Dead Lotus This plant will curse those who use it but also stave off death for a short time. Cannot drop below 1 HP No change No change No change
HerbGodsbeard.png Godsbeard Using this herb will replenish some health. Heal 15 HP Heal 30 HP Heal 45 HP Heal 60 HP
HerbFocus.png Golden Root Using this herb will replenish some Focus Points. Restore 3 Focus Points Restore 4 Focus Points Restore 5 Focus Points Restore 6 Focus Points
HerbHagsBane.png Hag's Bane Using this herb will relieve the user of all curses. Remove any curses No change No change No change
HerbHermitGrass.png Hermit Grass Using this herb makes the user undetectable. Using it in combat will give a boost to evasion. Out of Combat: Immunity to ambush

In Combat: +25 Evasion

In Combat: +35 Evasion In Combat: +45 Evasion In Combat: +55 Evasion
HerbPanax.png Panax Using this herb relieves the effects of Ailments. Cures 1 of the Ailments Cures 2 of the Ailments Cures 3 of the Ailments Cures 4 of the Ailments
HerbXP.png Scholar's Wort Using this herb will grant a small amount of XP. +6 XP +12 XP +24 XP +48 XP
Herb.png Purple Herb Using this herb will fully heal the user but slightly reduce max HP.