Achievements: For The King

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This page lists the achievements in For The King. For more details on Achievements and how they work, visit the main Achievements page. To see the second game's achievements, visit Achievements: For The King II.

There are 78 Achievements in For The King.

Achievements table

For The King
Achievement Name Unlock Requirement
Progress Defeat the Cultist Camp.
Spelunker Clear a cave.
All That Glitters Purge the Glittering Mines.
Fuhgeddaboudit Clear the Forgotten Cellar.
Undead killer Defeat the Lich's Crypt.
Mind Over Matter Defeat the Mind Bender Lord.
Pearl Diver Clear 5 Sea Caves in 1 game.
Amazing! Solve the King's Maze.
No Sweat Clear both Demon Caves.
Up, Up, and Away Fly in the air balloon.
The Mummy's Curse Purge the Buried Temple.
What a View! Reach the top of Harazuel.
Easy Peasy Defeat Vexor on Apprentice.
Hero of Fahrul Defeat Vexor on Journeyman.
Legend of Fahrul Defeat Vexor on Master.

Achievement Name Unlock Requirement
Such a Pity... First party wipe.
Field Medic Revive a party member.

Achievement Name Unlock Requirement
Sweet Tooth Eat 10 candies.
Put That in Your Pipe Use 100 herbs.

Achievement Name Unlock Requirement
Critical Fail Break a weapon.

Achievement Name Unlock Requirement
Tri-Triclops Defeat 3 triclops.
Thumpity Thump Thump Kill 5 snowmen.
I Hate Mimics Defeat 10 mimics.
Boomshakalaka Kill 10 enemies with firearms.
Rock 'n Roll Topple 15 crag monsters.
Pick on Someone Your Own Size Crush 25 imps.
I Hate Snakes Kill 25 snakes.
Something's Fishy Kill 30 fishfolk.
Do You Ever Feel Bad? Murder 30 hags.
Beastmaster Defeat 100 beastmen.
So Many Bones Smash 150 skeletons.
Chosen One Kill 1000 enemies.
Not This Time Kill a thief attempting to flee.
Sushi Chef Kill the Kraken.
Order from Chaos Defeat the Chaos Beast.
Boom Goes the Dynamite Get killed by a suicidal enemy.

Lore Store
Achievement Name Unlock Requirement
Secret Shopper Unlock 1 item from the Lore Store.
Would You Like a Receipt with That? Unlock 20 items from the Lore Store.
All Sales Are Final Unlock 40 items from the Lore Store.