Party wipe

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A party wipe (sometimes also called a total party kill, TPK, total party wipe(out), or TPW) in For The King occurs when the entire party of player characters dies, leaving no survivors to continue the campaign.

From the Tropedia:

A Total Party Kill is often the result of complete player idiocy. Occasionally, the Game Master won't balance an encounter well, and the mooks are much bigger than he thought. And some days, the Random Number God just doesn't like you, and your dice collectively vote for the party's violent demise in the most embarrassing way possible.

When this happens in a MMORPG, it's called a Party Wipe. It happens disturbingly often when you enter a level-appropriate dungeon with a Pick Up Group. A Leeroy Jenkins is likely to be involved.

Unlocks and achievements

The Stone Table can be unlocked in the Lore Store after three total party wipes. Additionally, there is an achievement awarded to players for their first party wipe.
