King's Maze

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The King's Maze is a dungeon in For The King.


Quest-Item-Kings Maze Key.png

King's Maze is the final dungeon of the quest "The Shattered Key", which will be assembled into the King's Maze Key. It is a level 6 dungeon that is always found somewhere in the Golden Plains, but locked until the key is acquired.

"You stand before an elaborate maze once used as punishment for Fahrul's convicted prisoners. Now it only serves as a grim reminder of the past."

Completing it progresses the game to Act 3.


The King's Maze is an 11 room dungeon.

Room 10 is the boss room, which contains an Undead Bisontaur, Ice Priestess, and Fire Priestess.

Room 11 contains a chaos generator.



Black Hag

Bone Mage

Faerie Imp

Feral Mage

Fire Priestess

Ice Priestess

Imp Magi


Undead Bisontaur

Undead Knight
