Glittering Mines

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The Glittering Mines is a Dungeon in For The King


The Glittering Mines always spawns somewhere in the Guardian Forest in Act 1 of the game. They cannot be entered until the cult device in the Guardian Forest is deactivated and the Chaos Leader camp is cleared. The Glittering Mines is the final dungeon of act 1. Clearing the dungeon completes part 1 of the quest The Queen's Call, and advances the game to Act 2.

Upon completing the dungeon, the Chaos level is reduced by 2.

"The minerals here seem to rich for the place to have been simply abandoned."


The Glittering Mines is a 2 floor, 11 room dungeon.

The sixth room is a stairway to floor 2 where the party may rest if they have a Tinder Pouch.

The second to last room is a boss fight against the Chaos Priestess and two Bone Soldiers. The enemies faced alongside the Chaos Priestess vary if there are less than 3 party members.

The final room contains a chaos generator.


A variety of creatures can spawn in the glittering mines:


Chaos Acolyte


Bone Trickster

