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Harazuel is the final dungeon of For The King in story mode. It will always spawn in the ocean, but is not accessible by using a boat. It can only be accessed by using an Air Balloon, which has to be built in Hasta after clearing two Demon Caves.


Harazuel is home to the final enemy, Vexor. This character is known as the arch-enemy of Fahrul's princess Rosomon and presumably responsible for the disappearance and death of Fahrul's king. He first appears as an unknown enemy housing in the tower, but will soon be exposed as the person devoting to Omus, the god of chaos.

Upon defeating Vexor and his companions, the dungeon is cleared and the story mode is completed.

Dungeon Progress

Harazuel has five floors with a total of two rooms each. The last room (floor five, room two) is home for the fight against Vexor and two Chaos Hounds. Each of the first four floors starts with a fight against three enemies in room one and ends with an empty room (staircase room).

Floor 1

The first floor in Harazuel starts with a fight against the Harazuel High Guard, a Chaos Protector and a Chaos Warrior. The second room is a staircase room.

Floor 2

The second floor starts with a fight against the Ice Revenant (high physical armor) and two companions. The second room is a staircase room.

Floor 3

The third floor starts with a fight against the Fire Revenant and two companions. The second room is a staircase room.

Floor 4

The Fourth floor starts with a fight against the Lightning Revenant and two companions. It is important to say that Lightning Revenant (10 protection against physical damage and 35 protection against spells when his armour is enhanced) and its minions will absorb or block almost all your magical attacks so be sure your scholar yields a dagger with physical damage.

The Lightning Revenant is immune to Bleeding, Freeze, Shock, Stun/Daze, and Water.

The second room is a staircase room.

Floor 5

The Fifth floor starts with a treasure room. The treasure chest will hand each adventurer a Firesilk. The second room is home to the fight against Vexor.

After winning the last fight, the adventurers will be killed off when the tower exploded. You still will have completed the story mode and will be congratulated.


Floor two to four are each home to one elemental Revenant. Each of these Revenants has a specific immunity additional to other immunities. The Fire Revenant for example will be immune to fire (burn) damage. The order of the revenants in Harazuel have this far proven to always be the same in each difficulty of the story mode (see Dungeon Progress).

Regarding this order, the adventurers can always equip proper items, such as Talismans acquired in the Buried Temple in the Parched Wastes, giving the party immunity to one specific elemental damage.

In the last room I would recommend what worked for me. Maxed awarness hunter with awarness attack based bow that has a piercing ability (for the physical armor) and a scholar with party heal staff and rush. Most of the fighting was done by the hunter, spamming the piercing skill. The job of the scholar is to heal whenever needed and rush as much as possible. If you are level 9-10, after you killed the wolves the fight should not take more than 5-6 turns. Another way is to kill Vexor first since his two chaos wolves will be able to life drain just focusing one then killing off the last.
