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Distraction is a character skill in the game For The King.


Chance of disrupting a successful attack roll against other party members.


Characters with the passive skill Distraction can disrupt an enemy's attacks during combat. Occasionally, Distraction will trigger during an enemy's combat phase and cause a single successful attack check to instead fail. This has the end result of potentially saving a party member from a perfect high-damage debuff.


Several situations can arise where a character may not be able to jump in and distract the enemy. The vast majority of these are caused by various elemental effects, such as being shocked, frozen, or on fire. Additionally, being confused, scared, or stunned will prevent Distraction from triggering.

Chance to trigger

Provided the conditions are favourable, a random behind-the-scenes roll is performed to proc Distraction on an enemy's attack, using the following formula:


Therefore the chance for Distraction to trigger (per rolled attack slot) is as follows:

Number of Attack Slots Chance for Distraction to Proc per Slot
1 Slot 12%
2 Slots 9.6%
3 Slots 7.7%
4 Slots 6.1%
5 Slots 4.9%

Ways to acquire Distraction


Distraction is a core skill of the Busker.


Item Name Item Type
Maracas Dual Wield
Shakers Dual Wield
Item Name Item Type
Noise Maker Trinket
Polly the Parrot Trinket


Enemy Immunities

Some enemies are immune to Distraction, namely dungeon bosses.
