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Adventures are playable game modes in the game For The King 2. Each is self-contained but feeds into a larger narrative wherein the player and their party will fight back against Queen Rosomon's corrupt forces as part of The Resistance.


For The King 2 launched with five playable adventures. While each is self-contained, consequences and narrative carry throughout. Each adventure is locked behind the progression of the last adventure, but once unlocked can be played on any difficulty at any time both online and offline. Each adventure introduces new enemies, biomes, unlocks, and more. With most players taking roughly five to six hours to complete an adventure. This may however differ depending on playstyle, difficulty, and the luck of the dice.

Winning or losing an adventure will effectively end a "Run" as once it's over, you'll need to create new heroes for the next adventure (Or recreate your current ones from scratch). In both win-or-lose states, players will still receive accumulated Lore Points from that run.


Players can adjust the difficulty level of their adventure when beginning a game. There are three settings to choose from:

CrownApprentice.png Apprentice

Apprentice is perfect for new players. While still offering a challenge, For The King 2's Apprentice mode is much more forgiving than both Journeyman and Master. Offering players a Life Pool of six and five points to spend in Loadout. Chaos and Market Inflation are also lowered in this setting to 70% and 80%, respectively. Players will also be equipped with a Tinder Pouch, Godsbeard, and a Safety Stone.

CrownJourneyman.png Journeyman

Journeyman is the default difficulty level for adventures and is recommended for experienced players. This mode offers four lives in the Life Pool, and five points to spend in Loadout, with Chaos and Market speed set to 100% and 90%. As with Apprentice mode, Players will also be equipped with a Tinder Pouch, Godsbeard, and Safety Stone in Journeyman.

CrownMaster.png Master

Master Difficulty will test your skills and your patience. Master is designed to be an uphill struggle, ideally for very experienced players. Players will start with zero lives in their life pool, and just three points to spend in the Loadout. Chaos Speed and Market Inflation are also markedly higher, at 125% and 100%. Players do not start with a Godsbeard as they did in the other difficulty settings.

Custom Difficulty

Custom Difficulty (Previously known as House Rules in For The King) allows players to adapt their difficulty settings to better represent the challenge they're looking to face. In For The King 2, players may change their Life Pool, Loadout Points, Chaos Speed, and Market Inflation separate to the game's overall difficulty. This won't affect your Lore payout and will only affect Achievements that require default Master mode playthroughs.

List of adventures

The following adventures are currently available for play:
