Stats are numerical representations of a character's basic attributes and are their primary means of interacting with the world of Fahrul in For The King.
There are currently 7 core character stats in For The King, as well as 3 additional defensive stats. Stats will vary greatly from character to character and will gradually increase as a character levels up. They can also be augmented or changed by a variety of means, such as by consuming items, equipping new gear, or using status effects, or by using certain abilities.
Core stats max out at 95.
Stat Types
Strength • Core Stat Strength represents your physical conditioning. It affects accuracy with bladed and blunt weapons and is used for physical challenges.
Vitality • Core Stat Vitality represents your endurance and health. It drives a character's base HP value and is useful for encounters that test one's stamina.
Intelligence • Core Stat Intelligence represents your mental acuity. It affects accuracy with tomes and staves and is useful for solving puzzles encountered in the overworld.
Awareness • Core Stat Awareness represents your alertness. It affects accuracy with bows and polearms as well as your ability to prevent and launch an ambush.
Talent • Core Stat Talent represents your natural aptitude. It affects accuracy with musical instruments, boat movement, and trap disarming.
Speed • Core Stat Speed represents your ability to move efficiently. It affects your movement points, combat initiative, attack frequency, sneaking, fleeing, evasion, and other crucial skills.
Luck • Core Stat Luck affects games of chance and challenges which cannot be focused.
Armor • Defensive Stat Blocks value of incoming physical damage.
Resistance • Defensive Stat Blocks value of incoming magical damage.
Evasion • Defensive Stat Percent chance to completely evade each attack.
Focus • Ability Stat Use Focus to guarantee action rolls.
Stat Checks
As characters travel throughout Fahrul, they will use their stats to interact with objects, solve puzzles, succeed at challenges, battle enemies, and much more. Stat checks, or "rolls", govern almost every action in Fahrul, and without their proper management, an adventure can end rather quickly. Each stat value represents the percent chance a player has to "roll" a success when testing against a particular stat. Higher stats mean more successful stat checks, which in turn results in easier battles and better rewards.
Stat checks also dictate how proficient a character is with any given weapon (although proficiency is by no means a restriction on which characters can or cannot wield a weapon). Refer to individual stat pages for a complete list of character and weapon proficiencies per stat type.
Filling a roll slot with focus not only guarantees that roll to be successful (or "perfect"), but also increases the odds that any subsequent rolls will be successful (increases roll accuracy). Both of these factors increase the odds of an action rolling perfectly. Filling all roll slots using focus guarantees that an attack or ability will succeed and trigger any effects that occur on perfection (barring the target evading it).
Slots Filled with Focus
Accuracy Bonus to Subsequent Rolls
Health and Vitality
All characters start with 25hp as their base health, +10% of their Vitality rounded down. This is their "Starting HP". For example, a Busker with 68 would start the game with 25 + 6.8 = 31.8 health, rounded down to 31hp.
Calculating Health Points
To calculate a character's base HP per level, use the following formula:
The end result is then rounded down. Therefore, to find the Busker's base HP at level 3, the formula is HP = 31 + 3 + ((.10 x 3) x 68), rounded down. Thusly, the Busker's base health at level 3 would be 34 + (.3 x 68) = 54.4hp, rounded down to 54hp.
Evasion and Speed
A character's base evasion is their natural Evasion stat, without any additional boosts or bonuses derived from gear or stat buffs. This number is directly determined by that character's initial Speed stat at the beginning of an adventure. Correspondingly, base evasion can also be increased if a character increases their speed.
Calculating Base Evasion
Base evasion is calculated as a function of a character's speed stat and can be extrapolated into the following formula:
In this formula, the Max function simply makes sure that the base evasion is never negative. If it would have been negative, it is set to 0.
For example, the Blacksmith begins an adventure with 56 on the Journeyman and Master difficulties. Thus the Blacksmith's base evasion at the start of the game is (((0.56)^2-0.1)/3)x100 = 7.12, which is then rounded to 7 on the HUD.
Focus represents a currency of mental strength which each character has in varying amounts. Focus points can be spent when the player is presented with a stat check to ensure the success of a single slot roll. Multiple focus points may be spent on an action for increased odds of success.
A character's maximum focus points are limited to 9.
A character with 50 or more Strength will receive +1 Armor.
The Trainer is a special encounter that can permanently boost any of the seven core stats (with the exception of luck) by +2. The exchange costs a varying amount of gold depending on a character's level and progress.
The Trainer must first be unlocked for play from the Lore Store.