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Status Effect • Disease


Main article: Status effect

Diseases are a type of status effect in For The King. They were added with the Lost Civilization Adventure Pack. Each disease has distinct symptoms that will affect characters in unique ways.

Diseases will get progressively worse if not removed, with their effects capable of stacking up to three times. An afflicted character is capable of spreading that Disease to other party members.

Types of Diseases

There are currently three different Diseases in For The King. Each disease brings with it a variety of basic symptoms, and each will affect characters in different ways:

Disease Basic Symptoms Bonus Health Penalty
Chaos Fever -2 Armor +2 Resistance -10% Max HP
Jungle Rot 2 Damage per turn +5 Evasion -10% Max HP
Stone Skin -5% Evasion +2 Armor -10% Max HP

As stated above, these symptoms will progress through three stages over time, with their effects increasing at each stage of the disease. Diseases can be cured at any stage (see below for more information).

Catching Diseases

Diseases are generally spread via encounters with enemies from the Lost Civilization Adventure Pack. For the most part, creatures who are contagious are rather obvious, usually by their name or appearance. That being said, be wary of enemies such as The Witchdoctor, who can raise Diseased Corpses from the dead to harry weary adventurers traveling the Overworld.

Curing diseases

Diseases are classified as an Ailment, and as such, can be removed like any other affliction of the type: