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Golems are a family of creatures that all fight the same, but with different elements. They come in elements such as Fire, Ice, Water and Lightning.


They stand tall like ogres, made of stone.


Appears in mid to late game, starting around level 3 as "Lesser" Golems.


Golems have moderately high armor and resistance, hit like trucks (20-50 physical damage, depending on level), and apply their element's status effect on perfect rolls. All golems can also Petrify.

  • Fire Golems apply Burning.
  • Ice Golems apply Frozen.
  • Water Golems apply Wet.
  • Lightning Golems apply Shock.


  • Petrify.
  • Single target punch, dealing high damage and applying their element's status effect on perfect roll.
  • Splash damage body slam, dealing high damage to their primary target and half that amount to adjacent characters. Also applies their element's status effect on perfect roll.