Drinking Contest

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"A round lady is hauling a cask of ale. 'I can outdrink the likes of you!' she shouts. 'You wager?"

"Some people will make a game of anything."


The Drinking Contest is a random Encounter based on Vitality in For The King. With only one game to be played, players can know what to expect. The Drinking Game uses 4 Vitality rolls to determine a mixture of outcomes. The player can find themselves cursed with Unwellness, Poisoned, or filthy rich.

There is both the option to play or leave, with no penalty involved in leaving the event; it will not despawn upon leaving, but can despawn periodically throughout playing the game if left alone, and upon completing the event, regardless of outcome.

New players may receive a Lore Store update if they successfully win the game.


Game of Cards

Drinking Contest

0 successes: Unwell curse

1 success: Poisoned

2 successes: Poisoned

3 successes: +Gold

4 successes: +Gold