Dead Adventurer

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Dead Adventurer
Dead Adventurer

Overworld • Encounter

You have found the remains of an unlucky adventurer.
Such is the way of the hero, and also of the fool.


The Dead Adventurer is a random Encounter in For The King, in which the player has an option to either "Loot", "Journal" or "Leave." Upon selecting "Journal", a journal entry from the dead adventurer will display on the screen with no effect, although 1 Lore will be awarded for looting some of these dead adventurers. After selecting "Journal", the player is still able to select any of the three options. There are no negative outcomes for looting the dead adventurer, but the items gained seemed to get better later into the game.

DeadAdventurer1.jpg Journal Option.png

Journal Entries

Tomorrow I climb even higher to look for more of these shiny rocks! Surely they are worth a fortune!
~ Bear
Day 83 Can't keep this up, they're relentless. Last town, I found the bounty hunter. No closer to finding the truth. Next time they catch up, I'm going to finish it. Mi amor, por favor ... forgive me.
~ Yesenia de Lune
With this wondrous helmet and axe, I used to feel almost invincible. However, these days, battles and adventures are beginning to feel tired and tedious...I've just located a small plot of very potent herbs and am about to sit and partake in these interestingly multi-colored happy-plants...I just had a very interesting conversation with a bearded rainbow-colored tap-dancing dragon wearing platform shoes and capri pants who asked why I'm only flying on one wing, so I decided to pick more herbs...
~ Captain Gingy McRichard III
I had the crowd hanging on my every note! They were cheering and laughing at my folk songs, weeping at my ballads, dancing to my gavottes. I knew I'd be getting dinner this night, and a warm pallet to sleep on...perhaps with the company of that strapping young lad..? How was I to know they thought yodeling was the sign of the devil? And where were they hiding all those pitchforks, anyhow....
~ Bard

Loot Table

Location Difficulty Loot Gold
Glittering Mines Apprentice-Master
Golden Plains Apprentice-Master
Guardian Forest Apprentice-Master