Wishing Well

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The Wishing Well.


File:PortraitMarvin.png There is something about this well. Tradition holds that you should toss in some token.
Most wells are mundane, but some, incredibly deep, tap into primordial springs which ripple with power.

The Wishing Well is a random encounter in For The King. It focuses on the Luck stat.

Characters are given the option to attempt the challenge or leave. There is no penalty for leaving the encounter; the Wishing Well will not despawn immediately. It can, however, despawn randomly over time. Additionally, if a character fails the Wishing Well's challenge, it will remain on the map for one more attempt.

Focus cannot be used for this encounter. Instead, characters can pay a small amount of gold to increase their odds.

Gold can be used to increase the success rate by 10% and reduce the Poisoned rate by 10%, it can be done multiple times.


Wishing Well challenges.

Slot Outcomes

1: Success
0: Poisoned.

Additional Notes

Characters who successfully pass the Wishing Well's challenge will have their choice of the following as a reward:

  • +3 Max Health
  • +1 Max Focus
  • +1 Armor
  • +1 Resistance
  • +2 Evasion