Twisted Archer

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The Twisted Archer.


File:PortraitMarvin.png A zany looking man standing atop a boulder gets your attention. "Outrun my arrow and get a prize! Catch my arrow and you can keep it!"
The recent troubles have driven folk to extreme forms of entertainment.

The Twisted Archer is a random encounter in For The King. It focuses on the Speed stat.

Characters are given the option to attempt the challenge or leave. There is no penalty for leaving the encounter; the Twisted Archer will not despawn immediately. He can, however, despawn randomly over time.

Focus cannot be used for this encounter.


Twisted Archer challenges.

Slot Outcomes

3: Gold
2: Light Damage
1: Medium Damage
0: Heavy Damage

Additional Notes

Successfully beating the Twisted Archer's challenge will unlock the Quiver backpack in the Lore Store.