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Large roster.


Appears in later levels of the game, around level 7+, typically in the day.


Cockatrice will rotate though a few abilities and revolve around skipping your turn and dealing piercing damage. They have moderate speed. They have the ability to Petrify, which can be tricky in team battles, but works in your favor in a one on one. Having high enough armor will protect you from getting reset. Given their ability to skip your entire party's turn, it is very dangerous to fight a camp of Cockatrice, as they can each gain a several turn advantage over your party, as they slowly tear down your HP.


  • Piercing peck, dealing about 18 damage.
  • Petrify.
  • Group targeted damage reset, dealing around 11 physical damage.


It is based off the legend of the Cockatrice, half dragon half chicken, which can turn you to stone by looking at it in the eyes.