Alluring Pools
The Alluring Pools is one of the Points Of Interest in For The King.
- The exact use of these mysterious rock formations has long been unclear by the citizens of the land. The Alluring Pools appear as basins of violet water which exist together as a network, entering one can result in emerging at another.
While it sounds simple, they can take a toll on both the players body and mind. Many have braved the mysterious depths only to never be seen again while others claim to have mastered their use. Fahrul’s great scholars have been obsessively studying the pools for generations, many of which have been lured into the hypnotizing water in a fit of madness. Tales of the missing scholars being found alive in the woods have been told, their minds shattered, alone and rambling in the wilderness. The limited knowledge that has been gathered has been stored in libraries across the land. The scope of the Alluring Pool’s ability is deceiving. On the surface they appear to merely connect the different realms as a form travel but in time you will learn that the swirling, colored water is far deeper than you originally believed.
Once purchased from The Lore Store, alluring pools have a chance of spawning throughout Fahrul. They essentially function the same way as a Portal Scroll, but are permanent, and require the player to locate both alluring pools before any characters can pass through them. Upon arriving at the destination pool, it becomes locked from use for a turn.