The following page serves to highlight a variety of troubleshooting steps players can attempt to resolve some of the more common issues they may encounter while running or playing the game For The King.
Transferring lore between Steam and Epic
In the IronOak For The King directory (see below), there is a profile folder for steam, and another folder for epic. Simply rename the file from either folder that you want to replace (don't delete it, in case something goes wrong), and copy over the file you want. When you launch the game from either platform, it will prompt you to upload to the cloud, or download from the cloud. Select the "upload to cloud" option, and you'll have all your lore goodies from the other platform's save when you launch!
- Save File Location
C:\Users%UserProfile%\AppData\LocalLow\IronOak Games\FTK\save
Game save is stuck on crafting adventure
Some users have reported that switching the game version to "Experimental" in Steam will resolve this issue.