Lore Store: For The King (no spoilers)

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The Lore Store is an in-game store in For The King that can be accessed from the game's main menu.


The following is a short list of actions needed to be taken in order to unlock customization items in the Lore Store, with the resultant unlocks removed so as to maintain an aura of fun and discovery for players wanting a relatively spoiler-free playthrough:


  • Visit the Exclusives channel on the For The King discord.
  • Finish a For The King campaign in its entirety.
  • Complete the first quest line in the Frost Adventure.
  • Descend at least 10 floors in Hildebrant's Cellar.
  • Win the Gold Rush campaign at least 3 times.
  • Own the Lost Civilization Adventure Pack. Follow both possible paths during the campaign.
  • Locate the Snow Cave, Whale's Belly, and A Friend in Need (encounters/dungeons - note bene: these are new playable character unlocks!).
  • Find a Caged Cat and free it.
  • Encounter the Kraken. Get shipwrecked. Die at Sea.
  • Buy things from traveling vendors, specialty markets, and merchant boats (at least once).
  • Find a Field of Herbs (encounter).
  • Win the Twisted Archer competition (encounter).
  • Succeed in the Drinking Challenge (encounter).
  • Catch a disease.
  • Find a Prismatic Fish.
  • Party Wipe 3 times.
  • Successfully ambush at least 10 enemies.
  • Pay tribute to at least 50 Stone Heroes.
  • Devote yourself at least 8 times to each Sanctum.
  • Collect 1500 Gold.
  • Open 5 Treasure Chests.
  • Use Star Matter at least 5 times during a battle.
  • Eat 50 candies.
  • Use 50 scrolls.
  • Find and defeat a Gold Leprechaun.
  • Defeat 15 Merlings.
  • Defeat 15 Monkeys.
  • Defeat 50 Warriors.
  • Defeat 100 Beastmen.
  • Defeat 150 Skeletons.
  • Defeat 1000 enemies.
  • Unlock at least 40 items in the Lore Store

There are also a variety of customization items that are only unlocked for purchase (with Lore) for a limited period of time, usually during an associated calendar holiday season (such as the Festivus items at Christmastime). The developers will also occasionally make items available for special events or announcements.

Additionally, some platforms have access to extra downloadable content.